

Coaching people and businesses, doing this work, answering the call, saying yes to that voice inside because I know you have unique gifts and talents that are needed in this world.


oh, hello!

I’m Andrew Barclay and I am so happy that you’ve made it here.

I am a born and raised prairie boy from the heart of Canada.

For over a decade I have worked for companies and organizations where my role revolved around people development and project management. My passion is people. There is nothing more exciting than seeing someone come alive, be who they choose to be and have a life of their own authentic creation. 

I admit I did not intentionally pursue this. Growing up, I recall being the kid with unpopular interests; singing and dancing to Christmas music in July, practicing spirituality and using essential oils (folks, it was the 90’s and people looked at you as if you were out of your right mind). I preferred super-powers and magic to hockey sticks and fighting. Continuing into my adult life, I had multiple interests and always more than one job on the go.

In fact, I left my successful and steady career as an insurance broker to listen to that inner calling and start teaching yoga full time. That then led to a bigger call to move westward where I lived in Vancouver for four lovely years. The call came yet again when I was offered a job back in my hometown and moved back.

I will say this: I didn’t have it all planned and figured out. There was lots of risk - financial, relational, the unknown - in listening to that inner voice. Yet, there was a lot to risk if I didn’t listen to it. In particular, my happiness, my health (health issues always came up when I ignored that voice), the ability to trust myself.

When I trusted myself and moved to Vancouver, I began to create my dream job at lululemon athletica; worked with my yoga teacher Baron Baptiste who saw a leader in me when I didn’t see it in myself; I met Susanne Conrad of Lightyear Leadership where I learned to embody all aspects of my being and bring that into leading my life, and Dr. Kam Kettering who has taught me the energetic work of Geotran to keep me aligned as my best and on purpose. There are so many experiences I’ve had and people I’ve met that I never would have had if I didn’t listen to that inner voice.

The same is true for you. Are you ready to start listening to your intuition and utilize the unique talents and gifts that you have to bring into the world?

I created Andrew Barclay Coaching + Development to support people in doing exactly that: bringing their unique gifts and talents into the foreground to thrive in all areas of their lives. 

The time is now and you are ready to take on your life.


“Andrew fosters a non-judgmental and inclusive space. I left the workshop feeling motivated to navigate the relationships in my life, and felt equipped to set and maintain effective boundaries.”

- Keegan C.


my experience

  • Certified Lightyear Leadership Senior Coach

  • Certified to lead the Gems of Excellence I and II Programs of Geotran

  • Yoga training + studying with One Yoga founder Ryan Leier + Baron Baptiste, founder of the Baptiste Power Yoga Institute

  • Over 1200 accredited hours with Baptiste Power Yoga Institute

  • Worked at lululemon athletica and Drift Cafe before creating Andrew Barclay Coaching + Development

  • 5 years at lululemon athletica in store operations and leadership development

  • 4 years managing the Drift Lounge; establishing culture, on going training + development, operations management, hiring, menu curation, product management

  • Communication Graduate from Landmark Education's Forum, Advanced, Self Expression + Leadership Programs

  • Over 10 years of yoga teaching inspired by Baron Baptiste’s teachings

  • Continuing leadership training + development with Susanne Conrad of Lightyear Leadership + Dr. Kam Kettering of Geotran
